Dynamic Model Routing. Get the best LLM for every request, tailored to your quality, cost, and speed preferences.
Best Model
Model Selection identifies the best model in milliseconds for every single request based on your preferences.
Custom Optimization
Customize the weighting of quality, latency, and cost to match your specific needs - from lightning-fast responses to maximum quality.
Always Up-to-Date
Automatically benefit from new LLMs, price drops, and performance improvements as they become available - no code changes needed.
Effortless Integration
Get started in minutes by changing just two lines of code. One consistent API for all LLMs while we handle provider-specific adjustments.
2023, OpenAI experienced downtimes on 46 days.
Perfect Uptime
Reliable Fallback. Ensure uninterrupted service with automatic fallback to the best available model.
Proven Performance at Scale
Average cost savings
of our production clients compared to gpt-4o
Models in Routing Mix
from OpenAI, Anthropic, Google, Meta, Mistral, Cohere, etc.
LLM Uptime
due to model fallbacks
With AI Router, we've completely avoided LLM downtime while seeing our costs steadily decrease and quality improve - all without any effort on our side.
Florian FalkFounder at Soji AI
Protect What Matters
Privacy & Control. Smart model selection without sharing your data.
Keep Data In-House
Use our model selection mode to get the best model recommendation and call it yourself. Perfect for handling sensitive data while still optimizing model choice.
Private Selection
Let AI Router select the best model using anonymized data patterns instead of your actual content. Your message content never leaves your infrastructure.
Control Your Model Stack
Use AI Router with your own model infrastructure like private Azure OpenAI deployments or AWS Bedrock. Get smart model selection while maintaining full data control.